This function checks the 'lc_column_id' column of a provided data frame to ensure that it exists, contains no NA values, and contains no spaces in its entries. It also reports the number of unique values in the column.

validate_lc_column_id(df, column_name, verbose = TRUE)



A data frame that should contain the 'lc_column_id' column.


The name of the column in df which contains the date-time values.


A logical indicating whether to print informative messages. Default is TRUE.


An invisible NULL. The function is used mainly for its side effects (i.e., printing validation results).


df <- data.frame(lc_column_id = c("id1", "id2", "id3", "id1", "id 2", NA))
validate_lc_column_id(df, column_name = "lc_column_id")
#>    - (-) NA values detected in column ` lc_column_id `: FAIL
#>    - (-) Spaces detected in column `lc_column_id`: FAIL
#>    - ( ) Number of unique values in column ` lc_column_id `:  5
#>    - (!) Warning: the number of LC columns might be too high. Please, revise 
#> [1] 2