This function checks if a given vector of IDs are valid UniProt IDs. It removes NA values, empty strings, and white spaces before validation. Each remaining ID is then checked against the UniProt database. The function outputs a boolean value indicating whether all IDs are valid. It also prints messages for any ID that fails the validation.




A character vector of potential UniProt IDs.


A boolean value. TRUE if all non-NA, non-empty, and non-whitespace IDs in the input vector are valid UniProt IDs; FALSE otherwise.


This function requires an internet connection to access the UniProt database. It uses the 'httr' package for HTTP requests. The function can be slow for large datasets due to multiple web requests. Also, be aware of potential rate limits or access restrictions on the UniProt API.


ids1 <- c("P12345", "Q67890", NA, "", " ")
if(validate_uniprot_ids_with_uniprot(ids1)) print("Valid UNIPROT IDs")
#> [1] "Valid UNIPROT IDs"
ids2 <- c("P12345", "Q67890", NA, "", " ", "iamwrong")
if(!validate_uniprot_ids_with_uniprot(ids1)) print("Invalid UNIPROT IDs")