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Perform Bayesian graphical clustering of the differential analysis results using repfdr


  min_analyte_posterior_thr = 0.5,
  min_prior_for_config = 0.001,
  df = 20,
  naive_edge_sets = TRUE



A numeric matrix. Rows are analytes, columns are conditions (e.g., male week 1). Entries are z-scores.


A number. The minimal value of sum of posteriors for including an analyte.


A number. The minimal prior probability on the configuration priors.


Integer. Parameter for repfdr::ztobins(). Degrees of freedom for fitting the estimated density f(z).


A logical. TRUE: edge sets are extracted by taking simple intersection of nodes. FALSE: edge sets are extracted from the repfdr solution.


A named list with three items:


named list of node sets


named list of edge sets


repfdr EM solution


This function is highly specialized for the MoTrPAC data. It assumes that the input zscore matrix has eight columns. Four columns for male z-scores (weeks 1, 2, 4, 8), and four for females. No NA values in the input matrix. The function first runs the Bayesian clustering using repfdr (see repfdr_wrapper()) and then extracts the node and edge sets of the graphical solution.

A node is a time-point specific state. It can represent null features (z-score around zero, no effect), up-regulated features (positive z-score), or down regulated features (negative z-scores). An edge represents interaction among two adjacent time point. For example, it can represent features that are up-regulated in week 1 in both males and females, and null in both male and females by week 2. min_analyte_posterior_thr is used to make sure that features without any reasonable fit in the clustering solution will be discarded, whereas min_prior_for_config removes clusters with extremely low prior (i.e., do not have any associated features).

Formally, let zscores be the timewise nxm matrix of z-scores over n analytes and m conditions, where m is even and has the same time points for males and females. Each z-score corresponds to the effect of training compared to untrained baseline. We assume that z-scores have a latent configuration in -1,0,1, with -1 denotes down-regulation, 0 denotes null (no change), and 1 denotes up-regulation. Let h denote the latent configuration of an analyte over all m conditions. We use the expectation-maximization (EM) process of the repfdr algorithm (Heller and Yekutieli, 2014) to estimate the prior π(h) and posterior Pr(h|z_i), for every analyte i. Once the algorithm converges, we discard configurations h with π(h) < min_analyte_posterior_thr and normalize Pr(h|zi) to sum to 1 (i.e., all posteriors given the same zi). The new posteriors that can be interpreted as a soft clustering solution, where the greater the value is, the more likely it is for analyte i to participate in cluster h.

Given the posteriors Pr(h|zi), we assign analytes to nine possible states in each time point (male or females x time points 1w, 2w,4w, and 8w). Analyte i belongs to a state if the sum of posteriors that are consistent with that state is > min_analyte_posterior_thr. For every pair of states from adjacent time points j and j+1 we define their edge set as the set of analytes whose differential expression pattern is consistent with the two nodes.. Thus, the node and edge sets explained above together define a tree structure that represent different differential patterns over sex and time.

Naming format for the output: Node set names: {week}_F{differential regulation status}_M{differential regulation status}. Example 1: 1w_F1_M0 means up-regulation in females week 1 and null (zero effect) in males in week 1. Example 2: 1w_F1_M-1 means up-regulation in females week 1 and down-regulation in males in week 1. The edge set object is a named list of string vectors. The name of an edge is [node_id]---[node_id].


if (FALSE) {
### Example 1: Simulate data with a single cluster
zcolnames = c(
zscores = matrix(rnorm(80000), ncol=8, dimnames = list(1:10000,zcolnames))
# now add a cluster with a strong signal 
zscores[1:500,1:4] = zscores[1:500,1:4] + 5 

# Run the clustering solution wrapper.
# When the data are "clean" (e.g., a mixture of two gaussians), we do not
# need a high df in the two-groups model estimation
# (default is 20, consider at least 10 when analyzing real data)
clustering_sol = bayesian_graphical_clustering(zscores, df=5)
# check if the clustering solution correctly assigns the first 500 rows 
# (with high prob) to the right nodes
length(intersect(1:500,clustering_sol$node_sets$`1w_F1_M0`))/500 > 0.95
length(intersect(1:500,clustering_sol$node_sets$`2w_F1_M0`))/500 > 0.95
length(intersect(1:500,clustering_sol$node_sets$`4w_F1_M0`))/500 > 0.95
length(intersect(1:500,clustering_sol$node_sets$`8w_F1_M0`))/500 > 0.95

# examine the node set sizes
# examine the edge set sizes

# extract the top full trajectories in the data
# these should be the clusters with at least 10 features
min_cluster_size = 10
get_trajectory_sizes_from_edge_sets(clustering_sol$edge_sets,min_size = min_cluster_size)

### Example 2: real data
data(REPFDR_INPUTS, package="MotrpacRatTraining6moData")
zscores = REPFDR_INPUTS$zs_smoothed
rat_data_clustering_sol = bayesian_graphical_clustering(zscores)
# extract the largest trajectories
get_trajectory_sizes_from_edge_sets(rat_data_clustering_sol$edge_sets, min_size = 50)
# plot the top trajectories of the muscle tissues, color edges by tissue
get_tree_plot_for_tissue(tissues = c("SKM-GN","HEART","SKM-VL"), 
                         omes = "TRNSCRPT",
                         node_sets = rat_data_clustering_sol$node_sets,
                         edge_sets = rat_data_clustering_sol$edge_sets,
                         min_size = 20,
                         parallel_edges_by_tissue = TRUE,
                         max_trajectories = 3)