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If fewer than 5% of values are missing from a continuous covariate, replace missing values with the mean in meta. Otherwise, remove the covariate from covar. If values are missing from a factor covariate, remove the covariate from covar. If a covariate has constant values, remove it from covar. Note that covariates are only removed from covar, not meta.


fix_covariates(covar, meta, center_scale = FALSE)



string or character vector of covariate names that correspond to column names of meta


sample by variable data frame of metadata


boolean, whether to center and scale continuous variables


named list of two items:


data frame input meta with covariates imputed and/or centered and scaled as necessary


character vector input covar after removing covariates as necessary


meta = data.frame(V1 = c(rnorm(19), NA),
                  V2 = c(rnorm(12), rep(NA, 8)))
covar = c("V1","V2")
result = fix_covariates(covar, meta)
#> Warning: Numeric variable of interest V1 has 1 missing values. Replacing missing values with mean.
#> Warning: Numeric variable of interest V2 has 8 missing values. Removing.
result = fix_covariates(covar, meta, center_scale = TRUE)
#> Warning: Numeric variable of interest V1 has 1 missing values. Replacing missing values with mean.
#> Warning: Numeric variable of interest V2 has 8 missing values. Removing.