Get and fix peak annotations from ChIPseeker::annotatePeak()
- counts
data table or data frame with columns 'chrom','start','end', and 'feature_ID' OR for ATAC only, data frame with row names as feature IDs in the format format 'chrom:start-end'
- species
character, scientific name of the organism for which to create the Ensembl database with
- release
integer, the Ensembl release to query. If set to NA, the current release is used.
- txdb
optional GenomicFeatures::TxDb object, in which case the database is not regenerated
data frame with formatted ChIPseeker::annotatePeak()
and additional columns "custom_annotation" and "relationship_to_gene".
"relationship_to_gene" is the shortest distance between the feature and the start or end of the closest gene.
It is 0 if the feature has any overlap with the gene.
"custom_annotation" fixes many issues with the ChIPseeker
annotation (v1.22.1).
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Load raw ATAC-seq counts for one tissue
raw_counts = load_sample_data("SKM-GN",
normalized = FALSE,
scratchdir = "/tmp")
pa = get_peak_annotations(raw_counts)
} # }