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For each panel and tissue, perform a likelihood ratio test to test the effect of training across time points. Analysis is performed separately for males and females.




a data frame with one row per feature:


character, MoTrPAC feature identifier


character, assay abbreviation, one of MotrpacRatTraining6moData::ASSAY_ABBREV


character, assay code used in data release. See MotrpacBicQC::assay_codes.


character, LUMINEX panel


character, tissue abbreviation, one of MotrpacRatTraining6moData::TISSUE_ABBREV


character, tissue code used in data release. See MotrpacBicQC::bic_animal_tissue_code.


character, comma-separated list of male samples (vial labels) removed from differential analysis


character, comma-separated list of female samples (vial labels) removed from differential analysis


double, likelihood ratio test statistic for males


double, likelihood ratio test statistic for females


double, nominal LRT p-value for males


double, nominal LRT p-value for females


character, full model used in LRT for males and females


character, reduced model used in LRT for males and females


double, combined male and female nominal p-value using the sum of logs


res = immuno_training_da()
#> Group 2w in rat-mag27plex COLON male GCSF has less than 2 values. Removing remaining samples in this group.
#> Group 2w in rat-mag27plex COLON male TNFA has less than 2 values. Removing remaining samples in this group.
#> Group 2w in rat-mag27plex COLON male IL18 has less than 2 values. Removing remaining samples in this group.
#> Group 2w in rat-mag27plex COLON male IL17 has less than 2 values. Removing remaining samples in this group.
#> Group 2w in rat-mag27plex COLON male IL4 has less than 2 values. Removing remaining samples in this group.
#> Group 2w in rat-mag27plex COLON male IL5 has less than 2 values. Removing remaining samples in this group.
#> Group 2w in rat-mag27plex COLON male LIX has less than 2 values. Removing remaining samples in this group.
#> Group 2w in rat-mag27plex COLON male FRACTALKINE has less than 2 values. Removing remaining samples in this group.
#> Group 2w in rat-mag27plex COLON male IL12P70 has less than 2 values. Removing remaining samples in this group.
#> Group 2w in rat-mag27plex COLON male VEGF has less than 2 values. Removing remaining samples in this group.
#> Group 2w in rat-mag27plex COLON male GMCSF has less than 2 values. Removing remaining samples in this group.
#> Group 2w in rat-mag27plex COLON male IL13 has less than 2 values. Removing remaining samples in this group.
#> Group 2w in rat-mag27plex COLON male MCP1 has less than 2 values. Removing remaining samples in this group.
#> Group 2w in rat-mag27plex COLON male RANTES has less than 2 values. Removing remaining samples in this group.
#> Group 2w in rat-mag27plex COLON male IL6 has less than 2 values. Removing remaining samples in this group.
#> Group 2w in rat-mag27plex COLON male MIP2 has less than 2 values. Removing remaining samples in this group.
#> Group 2w in rat-mag27plex COLON male EOTAXIN has less than 2 values. Removing remaining samples in this group.
#> Group 2w in rat-mag27plex COLON male IL1A has less than 2 values. Removing remaining samples in this group.
#> Group 2w in rat-mag27plex COLON male MIP1A has less than 2 values. Removing remaining samples in this group.
#> Group 2w in rat-mag27plex COLON male IL2 has less than 2 values. Removing remaining samples in this group.
#> Group 2w in rat-mag27plex COLON male EGF has less than 2 values. Removing remaining samples in this group.
#> Group 2w in rat-mag27plex COLON male KC has less than 2 values. Removing remaining samples in this group.
#> Group 2w in rat-mag27plex COLON male IFNY has less than 2 values. Removing remaining samples in this group.