This article generates heatmaps of the FGSEA results (Fig. 3C, D, E, G; Extended Data Figs. 3A-D, 5A-D, F).

omes <- c("METAB", "PROT", "TRNSCRPT")

for (ome in omes) {
  file <- paste0(ome, "_FGSEA")
  fgsea_res <- get(file)
  if (ome == "METAB") {
    fgsea_res <- map(fgsea_res,
                     ~ mutate(.x, gs_subcat = "refmet_sub_class",
                              pathway = refmet_sub_class,
                              gs_description = refmet_sub_class))
  if (ome %in% c("PROT", "TRNSCRPT")) {
    heatmap_legend_side <- annotation_legend_side <- "bottom"
    align_heatmap_legend <- align_annotation_legend <- "global_center"
    direction <- "horizontal"
    legend_width <- unit(90, "points")
    legend_height <- NULL
  } else {
    heatmap_legend_side <- annotation_legend_side <- "right"
    align_heatmap_legend <- align_annotation_legend <- "heatmap_top"
    direction <- "vertical"
    legend_width <- NULL
    legend_height <- unit(90, "points")
  # Enrichment heatmaps ------------------------------
  scale <- 2
  # Trained vs. SED and sex by training interaction (MvF_exercise_response)
  res_list <- fgsea_res[c(1, 3)]
  subcats <- unique(fgsea_res$MvF_SED$gs_subcat)
  for (subcat_i in subcats) {
    db_i <- sub(":", "-", subcat_i)
    for (name_i in names(res_list)) {
      if (name_i == "trained_vs_SED") {
        column_labels <- rep(paste0(2 ^ (0:3), "W - SED"), times = 2)
        anno_df <- data.frame(Sex = rep(c("Female", "Male"), each = 4))
        anno_colors <- list(Sex = c("Female" = "#ff6eff", "Male" = "#5555ff"))
        top_annotation <- HeatmapAnnotation(
          df = anno_df, col = anno_colors,
          gap = unit(0, "points"),
          gp = gpar(col = "black"),
          annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = 7 * scale),
          annotation_legend_param = list(
            nrow = 2, by_row = T,
            grid_height = unit(14, "points"),
            grid_width = unit(14, "points"),
            border = "black",
            title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 7 * scale),
            labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = 6 * scale)
        column_split <- anno_df$Sex
        colors <- c("#3366ff", "darkred", "grey")
      } else {
        column_labels <- latex2exp::TeX(
          sprintf("(%dW - SED)$_{M - F}$", 2^(0:3))
        top_annotation <- column_split <- NULL
        colors <- c("#ff6eff", "#5555ff", "grey")
      x <- res_list[[name_i]]
      if ("gs_description" %in% colnames(x)) {
        x <- x %>%
          filter(gs_subcat == subcat_i) %>%
            row_labels = cutstr(gs_description, split = " ", n = 35),
            row_labels = ifelse(nchar(gs_description) > 35 + nchar(pathway) + 5,
                                sprintf("%s...(%s)", row_labels, pathway),
            keep_ids = NULL)
      } else {
        x <- mutate(x, row_labels = pathway)
                n_top = 20,
                colors = colors,
                scale_by = "row",
                cell_size = unit(6 * scale, "points"),
                padj_legend_title = "BH-adjusted\np-value",
                padj_args = list(
                  title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 7 * scale),
                  labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = 6 * scale),
                  grid_height = unit(6 * scale, "pt"),
                  grid_width = unit(6 * scale, "pt")
                rownames_column = "row_labels",
                heatmap_args = list(
                  column_labels = column_labels,
                  column_title_side = "bottom",
                  column_split = column_split,
                  column_title = NULL,
                  column_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 5.5 * scale),
                  row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 5.5 * scale),
                  top_annotation = top_annotation,
                  heatmap_legend_param = list(
                    title_gp = gpar(fontsize = scale * 6.5),
                    labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = scale * 6),
                    direction = direction,
                    legend_width = legend_width,
                    legend_height = legend_height
                filename = sprintf(file.path("..", "..", "plots", "FGSEA_%s_%s_%s.pdf"),
                                   ome, name_i, db_i),
                height = scale * unit(3, "in"),
                width = scale * unit(3, "in"),
                units = "in",
                draw_args = list(
                  legend_gap = unit(0.4, "in"),
                  gap = unit(0.5, "in"),
                  adjust_annotation_extension = TRUE,
                  heatmap_legend_side = heatmap_legend_side,
                  annotation_legend_side = annotation_legend_side,
                  align_annotation_legend = align_annotation_legend,
                  align_heatmap_legend = align_heatmap_legend
                save_args = list(dpi = 400, res = 400, family = "ArialMT")