This article generates UpSet plots of the differential analysis results (Fig. 3A, B).

# Required packages

save_plots <- dir.exists(paths = file.path("..", "..", "plots"))
# Get differential analysis results (trained vs. SED comparisons)
omes <- c("TRNSCRPT", "PROT", "PHOSPHO", "METAB")

res <- map(omes, function(ome) {
  file <- paste0(ome, "_DA")
  dea_res <- get(file)
  dea_res$trained_vs_SED %>%
    filter(adj.P.Val < 0.05) %>%
    mutate(ome = ome) %>%
    dplyr::select(ome, contrast, feature,
                  any_of(c("gene_symbol", "entrez_gene", "refmet_sub_class")))
}) %>%
  rbindlist(fill = TRUE) %>%
  mutate(ome = factor(ome, levels = omes))

res <- res %>%
  group_by(ome, contrast) %>%
  summarise(feature = list(unique(feature))) %>%
## Create female-only and male-only UpSet plots
for (sex in c("F", "M")) {
  scale <- 1.5
  res1 <- filter(res, grepl(paste0("^", sex), contrast))
  tmp_i <- res1 %>%
    group_by(contrast) %>%
    summarise(feature = list(reduce(feature, union))) %>%
  m <- make_comb_mat(tmp_i)
  cs <- comb_size(m)
  ss <- set_size(m)
  m <- m[, order(-cs)[1:min(15, length(cs))]]
  cs <- comb_size(m)
  bar_ratio <- max(ss) / max(cs) * 0.8
  row_order <- seq_along(ss)
  column_order <- order(-cs)
  beside <- FALSE
  # Colorblind-friendly colors: TRNSCRPT, PROT, PHOSPHO, METAB
  fill_colors <- c("#614E3E", "#4E94F5", "#A5C3E0", "#D9CEA5")
  # Intersection sizes by ome
  comb_bar <- res1 %>%
    unnest(feature) %>%
    mutate(value = 1) %>%
    pivot_wider(id_cols = c(ome, feature),
                names_from = "contrast",
                values_from = "value",
                values_fill = 0) %>%
    pivot_longer(cols = -c(ome, feature)) %>%
    group_by(ome, feature) %>%
    summarise(name = paste(value, collapse = "")) %>%
    group_by(ome, name) %>%
    tally() %>%
    pivot_wider(id_cols = name, values_from = "n",
                names_from = "ome",
                values_fill = 0) %>%
    column_to_rownames("name") %>%
    .[names(cs), ]
  # Intersection sizes
  ta <- HeatmapAnnotation(
    "Intersection Size" = anno_barplot(
      x = comb_bar,
      border = FALSE,
      beside = beside,
      gp = gpar(fill = fill_colors),
      axis_param = list(gp = gpar(fontsize = 5.5 * scale))),
    annotation_name_side = "left",
    annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = 6 * scale),
    annotation_height = unit(0.7, "in") * scale)
  # Number of differential features by ome and contrast
  set_bar <- res1 %>%
    mutate(n = lengths(feature)) %>%
    pivot_wider(id_cols = "contrast",
                names_from = ome, values_from = n,
                values_fill = 0) %>%
  # Number of differential features
  ra <- HeatmapAnnotation(
    "Differential Features" = anno_barplot(
      x = set_bar,
      beside = beside,
      border = FALSE,
      gp = gpar(fill = fill_colors),
      axis_param = list(gp = gpar(fontsize = 5.5 * scale)),
      ylim = c(0, 2000)),
    which = "row",
    annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = 6 * scale),
    annotation_width = unit(1, "in") * scale)
  # UpSet plot
  ht <- UpSet(m,
              pt_size = unit(8 * scale, "pt"),
              lwd = 2 * scale,
              set_order = row_order,
              comb_order = column_order,
              top_annotation = ta,
              right_annotation = ra,
              row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 7 * scale),
              width = 10 * unit(10, "pt") * scale,
              height = 4 * unit(10, "pt") * scale,
              row_labels = latex2exp::TeX(
                sprintf("(%dW - SED)$_%s$", 2 ^ (0:3), sex)
  # Fill legend
  lt <- Legend(at = omes, labels = omes,
               border = TRUE,
               gap = unit(0, "pt"),
               grid_height = unit(7, "pt") * scale,
               grid_width = unit(7, "pt") * scale,
               labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = 6 * scale),
               legend_gp = gpar(fill = fill_colors))
  # Save UpSet plot to pdf
  pdf(file = file.path("..", "..", "plots", 
                               ifelse(sex == "F", "female", "male"))),
      height = 2.2 * scale, width = 4 * scale, bg = "white",
      family = "ArialMT")
  draw(ht, annotation_legend_list = lt,
       align_annotation_legend = "global_center")