A list of emmGrid objects: NMR mass, lean mass, fat mass, % lean mass, % fat mass; absolute VO\(_2\)max; and relative VO\(_2\)max.



An object of class list of length 7.


names(BASELINE_EMM) # available measures
#> [1] "NMR Body Mass"   "NMR Lean Mass"   "NMR Fat Mass"    "NMR % Lean"     
#> [5] "NMR % Fat"       "Absolute VO2max" "Relative VO2max"

#> List of 7
#>  $ NMR Body Mass  :'emmGrid' object with variables:
#>     group = SED, 1W, 2W, 4W, 8W
#>     age = 6M, 18M
#>     sex = Female, Male
#> Transformation: “log” 
#>  $ NMR Lean Mass  :'emmGrid' object with variables:
#>     group = SED, 1W, 2W, 4W, 8W
#>     age = 6M, 18M
#>     sex = Female, Male
#> Transformation: “log” 
#>  $ NMR Fat Mass   :'emmGrid' object with variables:
#>     group = SED, 1W, 2W, 4W, 8W
#>     age = 6M, 18M
#>     sex = Female, Male
#> Transformation: “log” 
#>  $ NMR % Lean     :'emmGrid' object with variables:
#>     group = SED, 1W, 2W, 4W, 8W
#>     age = 6M, 18M
#>     sex = Female, Male
#> Transformation: “log” 
#>  $ NMR % Fat      :'emmGrid' object with variables:
#>     group = SED, 1W, 2W, 4W, 8W
#>     age = 6M, 18M
#>     sex = Female, Male
#> Transformation: “log” 
#>  $ Absolute VO2max:'emmGrid' object with variables:
#>     age_group = 18M_8W, 18M_SED, 6M_1W, 6M_2W, 6M_4W, 6M_8W, 6M_SED
#>     sex = Female, Male
#> Transformation: “log” 
#>  $ Relative VO2max:'emmGrid' object with variables:
#>     age_group = 18M_8W, 18M_SED, 6M_1W, 6M_2W, 6M_4W, 6M_8W, 6M_SED
#>     sex = Female, Male
#> Transformation: “log” 

# Print one of the emmGrid objects
summary(BASELINE_EMM[["NMR Body Mass"]])
#> age = 6M, sex = Female:
#>  group response   SE  df lower.CL upper.CL null t.ratio p.value
#>  SED        180 1.69 271      177      184    1 554.320  <.0001
#>  1W         191 1.74 271      188      195    1 577.370  <.0001
#>  2W         190 1.83 271      187      194    1 544.857  <.0001
#>  4W         179 2.15 271      175      184    1 431.953  <.0001
#>  8W         181 1.60 271      178      184    1 587.375  <.0001
#> age = 18M, sex = Female:
#>  group response   SE  df lower.CL upper.CL null t.ratio p.value
#>  SED        241 2.50 271      236      246    1 528.705  <.0001
#>  1W         228 2.68 271      223      233    1 461.730  <.0001
#>  2W         231 3.03 271      225      237    1 415.925  <.0001
#>  4W         234 2.10 271      230      238    1 606.904  <.0001
#>  8W         238 1.94 271      235      242    1 672.868  <.0001
#> age = 6M, sex = Male:
#>  group response   SE  df lower.CL upper.CL null t.ratio p.value
#>  SED        331 3.37 271      324      338    1 569.940  <.0001
#>  1W         351 3.58 271      344      358    1 574.547  <.0001
#>  2W         349 3.75 271      342      356    1 545.336  <.0001
#>  4W         329 4.04 271      321      337    1 471.724  <.0001
#>  8W         332 2.92 271      327      338    1 660.553  <.0001
#> age = 18M, sex = Male:
#>  group response   SE  df lower.CL upper.CL null t.ratio p.value
#>  SED        442 4.33 271      434      451    1 622.508  <.0001
#>  1W         418 4.78 271      408      427    1 526.932  <.0001
#>  2W         424 5.26 271      414      435    1 488.467  <.0001
#>  4W         429 3.26 271      422      435    1 797.672  <.0001
#>  8W         437 3.28 271      431      444    1 811.396  <.0001
#> Confidence level used: 0.95 
#> Intervals are back-transformed from the log scale 
#> Tests are performed on the log scale