A list of emmGrid objects, one for each muscle-specific measures: terminal muscle mass, mean cross-sectional area (CSA), glycogen, capillary contacts, and citrate synthase.



An object of class list of length 5.


names(MUSCLES_EMM) # available measures
#> [1] "Terminal Muscle Mass" "Mean CSA"             "Glycogen"            
#> [4] "Capillary Contacts"   "Citrate Synthase"    

#> List of 5
#>  $ Terminal Muscle Mass:'emmGrid' object with variables:
#>     group = SED, 1W, 2W, 4W, 8W
#>     age = 6M, 18M
#>     sex = Female, Male
#>     muscle = LG, MG, PL, SOL
#> Transformation: “log” 
#>  $ Mean CSA            :'emmGrid' object with variables:
#>     group = SED, 8W
#>     age = 6M, 18M
#>     sex = Female, Male
#>     muscle = LG, MG, PL, SOL
#> Transformation: “log” 
#>  $ Glycogen            :'emmGrid' object with variables:
#>     group = SED, 1W, 2W, 4W, 8W
#>     age = 6M, 18M
#>     sex = Female, Male
#>     muscle = LG, MG, PL, SOL
#> Transformation: “log” 
#>  $ Capillary Contacts  :'emmGrid' object with variables:
#>     group = SED, 8W
#>     age = 6M, 18M
#>     sex = Female, Male
#>     muscle = LG, MG, PL, SOL
#> Transformation: “log” 
#>  $ Citrate Synthase    :'emmGrid' object with variables:
#>     group = SED, 1W, 2W, 4W, 8W
#>     age = 6M, 18M
#>     sex = Female, Male
#>     muscle = LG, MG, PL, SOL
#> Transformation: “log” 

# Print one of the emmGrid objects
#> Warning: Bias adjustment skipped: No valid 'sigma' provided
#> (And perhaps bias.adjust should NOT be used; see ? summary.emmGrid)
#> age = 6M, sex = Female, muscle = LG:
#>  group response    SE  df lower.CL upper.CL null t.ratio p.value
#>  SED      0.362 0.156 194    0.155    0.848    1  -2.353  0.0196
#>  1W       0.452 0.166 175    0.219    0.932    1  -2.166  0.0316
#>  2W       0.619 0.194 175    0.334    1.149    1  -1.531  0.1276
#>  4W       0.568 0.186 175    0.298    1.083    1  -1.730  0.0854
#>  8W       2.494 0.389 175    1.833    3.394    1   5.859  <.0001
#> age = 18M, sex = Female, muscle = LG:
#>  group response    SE  df lower.CL upper.CL null t.ratio p.value
#>  SED      1.743 0.343 175    1.182    2.570    1   2.823  0.0053
#>  1W       1.707 0.322 175    1.176    2.476    1   2.834  0.0051
#>  2W       1.504 0.302 175    1.012    2.237    1   2.033  0.0435
#>  4W       3.042 0.430 175    2.302    4.020    1   7.874  <.0001
#>  8W       5.972 0.602 175    4.895    7.287    1  17.725  <.0001
#> age = 6M, sex = Male, muscle = LG:
#>  group response    SE  df lower.CL upper.CL null t.ratio p.value
#>  SED      2.160 0.473 175    1.403    3.326    1   3.520  0.0005
#>  1W       1.134 0.342 175    0.625    2.058    1   0.416  0.6776
#>  2W       1.382 0.378 175    0.805    2.370    1   1.182  0.2389
#>  4W       1.267 0.362 175    0.721    2.227    1   0.830  0.4079
#>  8W       4.539 0.722 175    3.316    6.213    1   9.510  <.0001
#> age = 18M, sex = Male, muscle = LG:
#>  group response    SE  df lower.CL upper.CL null t.ratio p.value
#>  SED      2.194 0.532 175    1.359    3.542    1   3.237  0.0014
#>  1W       2.376 0.496 175    1.574    3.586    1   4.148  0.0001
#>  2W       2.536 0.512 175    1.702    3.777    1   4.609  <.0001
#>  4W       3.525 0.604 175    2.514    4.942    1   7.357  <.0001
#>  8W       7.329 0.870 175    5.798    9.265    1  16.773  <.0001
#> age = 6M, sex = Female, muscle = MG:
#>  group response    SE  df lower.CL upper.CL null t.ratio p.value
#>  SED      1.362 0.475 194    0.684    2.712    1   0.885  0.3771
#>  1W       1.208 0.403 175    0.625    2.334    1   0.567  0.5716
#>  2W       1.688 0.477 175    0.967    2.946    1   1.854  0.0654
#>  4W       2.480 0.578 175    1.566    3.927    1   3.899  0.0001
#>  8W       4.902 0.812 175    3.535    6.798    1   9.595  <.0001
#> age = 18M, sex = Female, muscle = MG:
#>  group response    SE  df lower.CL upper.CL null t.ratio p.value
#>  SED      2.054 0.554 175    1.206    3.498    1   2.668  0.0083
#>  1W       2.824 0.616 175    1.836    4.345    1   4.757  <.0001
#>  2W       3.051 0.641 175    2.016    4.618    1   5.312  <.0001
#>  4W       6.101 0.906 175    4.551    8.179    1  12.179  <.0001
#>  8W       8.383 1.062 175    6.529   10.765    1  16.784  <.0001
#> age = 6M, sex = Male, muscle = MG:
#>  group response    SE  df lower.CL upper.CL null t.ratio p.value
#>  SED      4.040 0.855 175    2.660    6.134    1   6.598  <.0001
#>  1W       3.469 0.792 175    2.210    5.444    1   5.447  <.0001
#>  2W       3.019 0.739 175    1.862    4.894    1   4.513  <.0001
#>  4W       3.561 0.803 175    2.283    5.556    1   5.635  <.0001
#>  8W       7.740 1.247 175    5.631   10.638    1  12.698  <.0001
#> age = 18M, sex = Male, muscle = MG:
#>  group response    SE  df lower.CL upper.CL null t.ratio p.value
#>  SED      2.534 0.757 175    1.405    4.569    1   3.112  0.0022
#>  1W       5.856 1.029 175    4.140    8.285    1  10.056  <.0001
#>  2W       4.036 0.854 175    2.657    6.129    1   6.590  <.0001
#>  4W       4.690 0.921 175    3.183    6.911    1   7.869  <.0001
#>  8W       7.551 1.169 175    5.563   10.248    1  13.061  <.0001
#> age = 6M, sex = Female, muscle = PL:
#>  group response    SE  df lower.CL upper.CL null t.ratio p.value
#>  SED      1.836 0.582 194    0.982    3.431    1   1.916  0.0569
#>  1W       3.614 0.693 175    2.475    5.276    1   6.700  <.0001
#>  2W       2.434 0.569 175    1.535    3.860    1   3.806  0.0002
#>  4W       2.474 0.573 175    1.566    3.909    1   3.909  0.0001
#>  8W       6.663 0.941 175    5.042    8.804    1  13.430  <.0001
#> age = 18M, sex = Female, muscle = PL:
#>  group response    SE  df lower.CL upper.CL null t.ratio p.value
#>  SED      4.069 0.775 175    2.794    5.926    1   7.368  <.0001
#>  1W       3.289 0.661 175    2.212    4.890    1   5.923  <.0001
#>  2W       6.461 0.927 175    4.868    8.575    1  13.010  <.0001
#>  4W       6.974 0.963 175    5.311    9.158    1  14.071  <.0001
#>  8W      18.067 1.549 175   15.254   21.399    1  33.748  <.0001
#> age = 6M, sex = Male, muscle = PL:
#>  group response    SE  df lower.CL upper.CL null t.ratio p.value
#>  SED      2.457 0.608 175    1.507    4.006    1   3.630  0.0004
#>  1W       5.479 0.909 175    3.949    7.600    1  10.256  <.0001
#>  2W       4.527 0.826 175    3.159    6.490    1   8.278  <.0001
#>  4W       4.836 0.896 175    3.355    6.971    1   8.506  <.0001
#>  8W       8.714 1.208 175    6.629   11.456    1  15.620  <.0001
#> age = 18M, sex = Male, muscle = PL:
#>  group response    SE  df lower.CL upper.CL null t.ratio p.value
#>  SED      3.014 0.753 175    1.840    4.936    1   4.413  <.0001
#>  1W       5.134 0.880 175    3.661    7.200    1   9.549  <.0001
#>  2W       4.953 0.864 175    3.510    6.988    1   9.173  <.0001
#>  4W       5.789 0.934 175    4.210    7.959    1  10.883  <.0001
#>  8W      11.069 1.291 175    8.792   13.935    1  20.606  <.0001
#> age = 6M, sex = Female, muscle = SOL:
#>  group response    SE  df lower.CL upper.CL null t.ratio p.value
#>  SED     14.261 1.517 194   11.562   17.590    1  24.982  <.0001
#>  1W      10.525 1.236 175    8.347   13.271    1  20.036  <.0001
#>  2W      12.894 1.368 175   10.458   15.899    1  24.091  <.0001
#>  4W      11.841 1.311 175    9.516   14.734    1  22.316  <.0001
#>  8W      16.616 1.553 175   13.816   19.983    1  30.060  <.0001
#> age = 18M, sex = Female, muscle = SOL:
#>  group response    SE  df lower.CL upper.CL null t.ratio p.value
#>  SED     37.586 2.463 175   33.027   42.775    1  55.347  <.0001
#>  1W      19.217 1.671 175   16.187   22.814    1  34.000  <.0001
#>  2W      17.746 1.605 175   14.844   21.215    1  31.791  <.0001
#>  4W      19.725 1.693 175   16.652   23.365    1  34.750  <.0001
#>  8W      46.244 2.592 175   41.402   51.653    1  68.412  <.0001
#> age = 6M, sex = Male, muscle = SOL:
#>  group response    SE  df lower.CL upper.CL null t.ratio p.value
#>  SED     19.257 1.911 175   15.832   23.423    1  29.811  <.0001
#>  1W      13.503 1.600 175   10.687   17.060    1  21.967  <.0001
#>  2W      13.591 1.605 175   10.765   17.159    1  22.094  <.0001
#>  4W      12.913 1.565 175   10.166   16.401    1  21.113  <.0001
#>  8W      23.381 2.219 175   19.387   28.198    1  33.207  <.0001
#> age = 18M, sex = Male, muscle = SOL:
#>  group response    SE  df lower.CL upper.CL null t.ratio p.value
#>  SED     19.588 2.155 175   15.766   24.337    1  27.047  <.0001
#>  1W      22.398 2.061 175   18.679   26.857    1  33.793  <.0001
#>  2W      21.665 2.027 175   18.012   26.057    1  32.879  <.0001
#>  4W      14.720 1.671 175   11.766   18.416    1  23.697  <.0001
#>  8W      22.904 2.084 175   19.139   27.409    1  34.418  <.0001
#> Degrees-of-freedom method: inherited from containment when re-gridding 
#> Confidence level used: 0.95 
#> Intervals are back-transformed from the log scale 
#> Tests are performed on the log scale