An object of class Biobase::ExpressionSet containing transcriptomics data for differential analysis and (once transformed to log\(_2\) counts per million reads) WGCNA.



Object of class Biobase::ExpressionSet with 16404 features and 48 samples.


The original 32883 transcripts were filtered with filterByExpr using group = TRNSCRPT_EXP[["exp_group"]]. Then, library sizes were TMM normalized with calcNormFactors. Two outlier samples (90423017005 and 90410017005) were removed before variables pct_globin, rin, pct_umi_dup, and median_5_3_bias were mean-imputed, centered, and scaled.

See OUTLIERS for sample outlier information.

See FEATURE_TO_GENE for details of feature-to-gene mapping.



TRNSCRPT_EXP                   # summary
#> ExpressionSet (storageMode: lockedEnvironment)
#> assayData: 16404 features, 48 samples 
#>   element names: exprs 
#> protocolData: none
#> phenoData
#>   sampleNames: 90245017005 90248017005 ... 90227017005 (48 total)
#>   varLabels: pid bid ... median_5_3_bias (11 total)
#>   varMetadata: labelDescription
#> featureData
#>   featureNames: ENSRNOG00000000001 ENSRNOG00000000007 ...
#>     ENSRNOG00000062306 (16404 total)
#>   fvarLabels: feature_ID gene_symbol entrez_gene
#>   fvarMetadata: labelDescription
#> experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
#> Annotation:  
exprs(TRNSCRPT_EXP)[1:10, 1:5] # assayData (first 10 rows and 5 columns)
#>                    90245017005 90248017005 90252017005 90265017005 90266017005
#> ENSRNOG00000000001          28          14          23          28          35
#> ENSRNOG00000000007           5          12           7           7           1
#> ENSRNOG00000000008         110          53         114          88          87
#> ENSRNOG00000000010          54          17           3           7          14
#> ENSRNOG00000000012         106         153         158         103         209
#> ENSRNOG00000000017          34          54          61          37          64
#> ENSRNOG00000000021         721         321         326         367         436
#> ENSRNOG00000000024         493         773         674         644         847
#> ENSRNOG00000000033         512         323         403         377         411
#> ENSRNOG00000000034         490         279         425         301         447
head(fData(TRNSCRPT_EXP))      # featureData
#>                            feature_ID    gene_symbol entrez_gene
#> ENSRNOG00000000001 ENSRNOG00000000001 AABR07013255.1        <NA>
#> ENSRNOG00000000007 ENSRNOG00000000007           Gad1       24379
#> ENSRNOG00000000008 ENSRNOG00000000008           Alx4      296511
#> ENSRNOG00000000010 ENSRNOG00000000010          Cbln1      498922
#> ENSRNOG00000000012 ENSRNOG00000000012          Tcf15      296272
#> ENSRNOG00000000017 ENSRNOG00000000017         Steap1      297738
head(pData(TRNSCRPT_EXP))      # phenoData
#>                  pid   bid       labelid   viallabel    sex timepoint exp_group
#> 90245017005 10043527 90245 4.458696e-313 90245017005 Female       SED     F_SED
#> 90248017005 10043950 90248 4.458844e-313 90248017005 Female       SED     F_SED
#> 90252017005 10044337 90252 4.459042e-313 90252017005 Female       SED     F_SED
#> 90265017005 10046119 90265 4.459684e-313 90265017005 Female       SED     F_SED
#> 90266017005 10046380 90266 4.459734e-313 90266017005 Female       SED     F_SED
#> 90560017005 10700102 90560 4.474259e-313 90560017005 Female        1W      F_1W
#>                    rin pct_globin pct_umi_dup median_5_3_bias
#> 90245017005  0.1534937 -0.3394055   3.1014362      0.98444319
#> 90248017005 -2.0568155  1.0182164   0.3599009     -2.07005015
#> 90252017005 -2.5479953  0.3394055  -0.0376748     -1.03230562
#> 90265017005 -1.5656357 -0.3394055  -0.5626291      0.53410122
#> 90266017005 -0.3376861  0.3394055  -0.4034058     -0.05982804
#> 90560017005 -2.3024054  1.6970274  -0.2760272     -1.97214972